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Whats are the payment terms and how can I pay?

Voositor follows 3 Steps Workflow, so you can make payment in installments. We ask for payment only after reaching specific milestones.

  • 25% 1st installment after project commencement: After discussing and agreeing on the detailed project proposal, we need 25% advance to start designing. We send an image format design for approval. You can ask for changes or a complete re-design during this step.
    – You should start preparing content if it’s not ready. Or hire us to write for you.
  • 25% 2nd installment after design approval: Once you are satisfied with the image format design and give the approval to go ahead, we ask for another 25% payment to proceed with the development. We usually have enough information for this step in the Proposal Document. So, we proceed with development right away.
  • 50% 3rd installment after project completion: We finish the website by adding content and every other features we have agreed upon. After finishing everything we ask for the final 50% payment before making the website live on your own domain.
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